Wednesday 19 November 2014

The Biggest Hearts Come in the Smallest Packages!

The Biggest Hearts Come in the Smallest Packages!

I was brought to tears last week because I was lucky enough to witness an amazing act of pure love and kindness.  All coming in the form of a sweet group of 6 year olds.

It was just another day of the typical morning rush to get to school… busy with lots of other parents trying to get their kids to the school yard before the bell rang to go inside.  My son Justin often has a hard time with this as it’s sensory overload for him… screaming kids playing in the yard, a ton of parents hanging out to watch their kids go inside the school once the bell rings, that overall hum that gives even myself a headache never mind Justin who is on the spectrum which makes everything heightened… aka. sensory overload.

Then of course when the bell rings, the panic that he has to leave mommy.  Tears come to his eyes, grasping at my arm… “Please mommy, don’t go!  I want to go home!”  The standard line is said to me which even after 2 years doesn’t get any easier to hear.  I tell him that he’s fine and is going to have so much fun with his friends!  Hugging him, quick kiss and then trying to pry off his hands off my arm.

Then a small, little bundle of Joy by the name of Pierson comes over to Justin and said “It’s okay Justin, let’s go inside”  as he put his arm around Justin’s back and tried to help him feel comfortable.  It stopped me in my tracks, such a kind, sweet, innocent, loving boy.  No judgment, nothing but pure love for my son who was having a hard time.

I thanked Pierson, holding back my own tears and told Justin to go have fun with Pierson.  As he went in Pierson kept his tiny arm around Justin’s back all the while reassuring him that it was okay.  About 4 other kids joined Pierson in the hallway all saying hi to Justin and telling him that it was okay.

I cannot express how comforting it was as a parent to see how kind kids can be!  I’m not sure what happens to us as we grow up, but if only we could follow the beautiful example that not only Pierson but Justin’s entire Grade 1 class has shown towards my son.  They don’t understand Autism, but what they do get is he’s just a boy who’s upset and needs some love and kindness to help him along and that’s just what they gave him!

Please stop and think before judging someone who’s having a hard time, bad day, etc.  We all need to be as kind as these 6 year olds they’re such a blessing!

XO ~ Kara